The Intrusive Energy Extraction Healing is exactly what I feel I am needing. I just need to right connections to find a healer..


Understanding Intrusive Energies and Entities from the Shamans

An intrusive entity embeds itself within the central nervous system. Many psychological and physical problems are caused or exacerbated by intrusive entities. They often produce anxiety, rage, depression, addictions, mood swings, and a host of other symptoms.

Intrusive entities are dis-incarnate spirits trapped between this world and the next. Sometimes an intrusive entity may be one of our own former lifetimes that has been awakened from our unconscious and wants to live again; thus vying with our present self for access to our central nervous system. Intrusive entities attach themselves to a chakra and through it connect to the central nervous system, where they enter into a parasitic relationship with the host.

All energy has consciousness, even the most basic and primitive, so that an intrusive energy can seem to have a human-like personality. When a healer tunes in to it he/she can sense the anger, sadness, depression hatred, or envy that is being acted out via what is called the client’s luminous body,auric body or charka system.

Iintrusive entities are more common than we would like to believe. An intrusive entity may appear as one of two types: one of our former selves (a former lifetime that has awakened from the subconscious mind), or a dis-incarnate being who has penetrated our Luminous Energy Field. The intrusive entity may be a deceased relative or friend who is coming to us for assistance.

For example; when a person dies suddenly in an accident, or under narcotics in the hospital, he can become lost between this world and the next. He is not aware that he has died, and comes to us for comfort. We bring him into the safety of our luminous body, in the same way we would take him into our home if he were hurt or suffering. His energy mixes with ours and begins to wreak havoc in our Luminous Energy Field. After an extraction of an entity from the Luminous Energy Field, psychological and physical symptoms often disappear.

Intrusive entities feed on the energy of the chakras and central nervous system. There is no more nutritious form of energy. They attach themselves to the spinal cord through one of the chakras and are able to experience that person’s thoughts and feelings. This often confuses the person with the entity as to which thoughts are his/hers and which thoughts are from the entity causing more fear and confusion or more sadness and depression. Telling the client that its “all in your head” further disempowers the client and make them feel ashamed that they can’t just get it together and stop the behavior.

The Luminous Energy Field has a difficult time eliminating these foreign energies. Unlike the physical body, which can eliminate the elements it cannot use through urination, bowel movements, sweat, and respiration; the luminous body has no opening. When these energies have entered the central nervous system, we have to extract them using rhythmic drumming, chanting or prayers and a lot of patience. It can take several hours to wait out the entity. It has to feel that it is in a safe and supportive environment in order for the energy to transmute.

Remember the entity does not feel it is worthy of love or healing. The light of its own consciousness overwhelms it so much that it will fight for its life so as to remain safely attached to the client. It is best to release the entity in a place that is clean and has high vibrational energy such as a healing center or a pristine place in nature. It is important that there are no electronic devices as they omit electromagnetic pollution that can block the movement of energy. It is also important that everyone present for the ceremony remain focused and present and form a safe cocoon around the client.

Treating the entity, the person with the entity and ourselves with a lot of love and respect is the best way to allow it to heal. Often times the persons closest to the client suffer from anger and frustration or a sense of hopelessness and may feel they are somehow responsible for the clients sufferings. This energy as well becomes “food” for the entity. Of times it feels as if you are living in a black hole that’s pulling all your energy out of your own life- leaving you drained and heartbroken.

If you know someone with an entity it is important to notice how the entity hooks you into giving your power away…do you feel sadness, fear or anger in the presence of the entity? Any strong emotion will feed the entity. The most important tool you can use when dealing with an entity in another is person is to keep your heart still, and your emotions neutral and not participate in the “story” of the entity. The more you can stay in a neutral state- the less you will loose your power to the entity.

While is seems very far out to a western mind set that entitys exist, in shamanic cultures this is a very common issue. Getting an entity extraction is as routine as getting wisdom-teeth removed would be to someone in our culture.

Once the entity is extracted the clients life will shift back to normal very quickly. Many western trained therapist have embraced this notion of healing as a much more safe, supportive, cost-effective and effective means of treating a client as opposed to medication and talk therapy…


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Hi Everyone! My name is Samantha and I'm working on creating an Educational Networking Program that includes Awesome Book Recommendations, Deals, and intriguing Documentaries. I try to focus on tuning in on more deeper sacred wisdom and put together the 'puzzle pieces' of History, Culture, Science, Art, and more so you will find information that you don't hear in traditional public schools so much. If you are interested in learning more about my projects click on the following links to my websites.. Http://
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